Friday, February 22, 2013


In more ways than I'd like to acknowledge, I have yet to become a full fledged adult. The size of my laundry pile has been at critical mass for about six years. The "Maintenance Required" light on the dashboard of my Corolla has been on for several months, and I'm starting to hear a faint and troubling squeaking noise from time to time. I often leave my keys in the door to my apartment overnight; this infuriates my roommates, particularly because my next door neighbor is a schizophrenic drug addict who thinks my roommates and I stole her ring. These are, if not inexcusable, then certainly frustrating habits and errors, not because they are particularly harmful, but because they could so easily avoided with the most basic sense of priorities and a modicum of time management skill. I have yet to develop these attributes. In fact, the goal now is not to become a functioning adult, but simply to escape a regression towards a child like lifestyle. I recently hit a new low. I started eating Gushers again.

I have a hard time talking about this, but I have an addiction. No one who has lost all their baby teeth should ever eat Gushers or any fruit snack, let alone one that dyes your tongue a disgusting shade of red-blue that somehow doesn't create purple. Good luck making conversation with anyone.  I'm 23 and  yesterday I ate a whole box, that means six packets of Gushers, in about 45 minutes. There's roughly 10 Gushers per packet, totaling 60 individual Gushers. This is a revolting amount of Gushers, but sadly not unusual for me. I've eaten twice that amount in one sitting before, and nothing, I repeat, NOTHING says rock bottom like laying in a heap on the couch surrounded by two empty boxes and twelve empty packets of Gushers. I remember seeing sparkles and tingling sensation in my mouth, surely the dissolution of my mouth and gums.

I remember the day my addiction resurfaced. I had stopped by Ralph's after an exhaustively dull day of work. I was looking for that 90 second rice that Uncle Ben's makes, went down the wrong aisle, found the fruit snacks, and the next thing I knew I was paying eight bucks for two boxes of Gushers because "God I haven't had Gushers in FOREVER!" It all happened so fast, and I suppose at the heart of it was a longing to return to a simpler, more innocent period of my life. I didn't know that this simple nostalgia trip would lock me in a vice grip of paralyzing hopelessness. I recently walked into a Rite Aid not far from my house hoping to score some Gush, but after prowling the "Groceries" section and interrogating the manager I discovered that the store didn't carry them. A person with self-respect might've grabbed a different candy, or even cut their losses and went home. I got back into my car and battled Wilshire traffic in the direction opposite my house, to Ralph's, just to get my fix. I polished off half a box on the way home.

This is the way I eat Gushers.

1) Open a packet

2) Take this:

3) Pop it in your mouth....that's about it. You can chew it or let it dissolve slowly. If you're revolted I understand, but I love a snack with some longevity.

Gushers are delicious, but not really. What they are is simple, like Pixie Sticks, Fun Dip, Big League Chew, processed, highly concentrated sugar rolled into convenient little balls. There is absolutely nothing to acquire as far as taste, that's why children, who have no taste, can't get enough of them. Most kids eventually grow out of their interest in snacks like Gushers, and into things like beer and raw oysters, foods that are bitter or even gross on the surface but complex and satisfying once acquired. I can appreciate adult tastes as well, I'm a man dammit, but there's nothing like the cheap thrill a Fruit Roll Up or a Capri Sun.  If you prefer "Goodfellas" to "The Godfather" you know may get a sense of what I'm talking about.

So I'm sorry Mom, Dad, any friends who thought they knew me, or teachers that have ever believed in me. I let you down. I eat Gushers, and chances are I will continue doing so. Because



  1. A few moments ago, I was wrestling with myself (internally...I don't really think it's possible to wrestle with one's self, externally) on whether or not I should just go ahead and finish my last packet of Gushers; I'd literally just eaten three packets, back to back, in about a 5 minute span.

    I started to pace my room, having something resembling an existential crisis:

    "What's wrong with me? Why can't I just save the last packet for an afternoon 'pick me up' tomorrow?"

    "Why do I always feel so driven to eat the entire box in one sitting?"

    "Do I just lack self-control? Why am I acting like some impulsive, reckless, hedonistic junkie??"

    I'm telling you, I was going through it. So, in a desperate attempt to find some solace, I promptly whipped out my phone and typed these words into Google; words I've never uttered to another human soul:

    "I eat a whole box of Gushers in one sitting"

    I'd finally let the cat out of the bag and it was so...freeing? For the first time, in a long time, I felt a tiny flicker of hope.

    Your blog was the very first search result I came across and, I kid you not, reading your story gave me chills. I'm not alone! There is another person in the world whose struggles mimic my own.

    The relief I'm feeling right now is immeasurable. Thank you! A thousand times, thank you! Thank you for being strong enough to put this out there. People who don't suffer from our unique affliction (if you will) won't ever be able to truly understand how much courage it takes to admit you eat 60 Gushers at a time. Here I am, worrying myself sick about eating too many Gushers, but not you. You're resolute in your decision in eating as many Gushers as your heart desires. I can only hope that I, too, will one day come to fully accept and embrace my true nature.

    You should really think about starting a support group. I don't know that you realize how much of an inspiration you are.

    Best of wishes,


  2. I known comment is late but I too have an addiction to gushers. I'm having a severe craving right now. I've been trying to go without it but I feel like giving in now.

  3. Eating a whole box right now... simply looking for validation on the internet

  4. i too arrived here after a shameful 'i ate too many gushers' google search. but now, i feel like we are all family. gush gang.

  5. Im so glad I’m not alone �� gush gang

  6. I just ate 5 king size flavor mixers in a few hour span of my life. I legit just found this awesome page in my search about addiction to fruit gushers. They are so good. I'm 26 now and also started drinking capri sun again. It's good its the bees knees it is. Thanks you all for not making feel alone.
